Wendy's Tree

Wendy's Tree

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Newspaper Obituaries

 Though there's not date when this obituary appeared or what paper, it indicates word came from Florida to Marion, so we'll assume it was The Marion Star.  This is the obituary for Glenn William Smith.  He lived to be 92.
 This obituary is for Gladys Lucille Liggett Smith wife of above Glenn Smith.  Lucille is the name she went by and she was his first wife.  Again we'll assume this was The Marion Star Newspaper, and it probably appeared a day or two after her death.

This obituary was found on line at Find a Grave, again no date of when it appeared or which paper, but a reasonable assumption it was the Marion Star.  
Richard's obit was found in a search on line, tagged with date and newspaper.

 Charles Liggett's obituary was obtained from the Columbus Metropolitan Library's archives department on microfilm.
 Clarence Liggett's obituary was also obtained through microfilm archives from The Columbus Metroplitan Library.
Branch Liggetts obituary was also obtained through the microfilm archives from The Columbus Library, but came in a slightly different format so the header isn't shown here; but when it was in PDF format it indicated it was from page 6 E, June 26, 1992 Columbus Dispatch.

Obituaries even for non direct family line members are a wonderful source of information.  They often give you clues about other family members and where they lived.  You can tell who survived and who preceeded them which is helpful.  Sometimes knowing the cemetery is of value, it's a good assumption to look in the same cemetery for someone you may not be able to find.  Sometimes to, the information about which funeral home they used can be of value when looking for other family members.

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